The Road to Meaford

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I went down Meaford Road this morning on my way to Stone. Apart from the traffic lights it is now a very pleasant drive. There has been a very big improvent to the border land to Meaford Power Station. The brush … Continued

Blue Cross

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At the invitation of Councillor Dodd I attended the village school this morning to listen to a presentation on pet care given by the charity ‘Blue Cross’. The presenter was extremely professional in communicating his message and there was a … Continued

Canal Towpath

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I have been asked why a retaining wooden strip has been put only on one side of the new canal towpath. The original intention was that a wooden strip would be placed on both sides of the path but it … Continued


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I have been contacted by several people concerned about the trees that have been felled on the Wedgwood Sports Ground. The two trees involved were mature poplars. The Stafford Borough Council Tree Officer has been out to look at the trees … Continued

Baker Bus X1

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I had occasion to go to Stoke this morning. I went on the bus. It really is a good service but there was only one other person getting on at Orchard Place. It made me wonder whether we are putting … Continued