Neighbourhood Planning

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Households will have received correspondence from Stafford Borough Council stating that the Parish Council has applied for Barlaston to be designated a Neighbourhood Area. This is the first stage of a process at the end of which the village will … Continued

Christmas Trees

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Stafford Borough Council are providing a faciliity up until Friday 11th January whereby unwanted Christmas trees can be taken to the Green Recycling Centre by the Village Green for recyling

Voluntary Transport Coordinator

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Gill Dodd is giving up her role as Voluntary Transport Coordinator at the end of the year. Gill has done an excellent job in helping people get lifts. Thank you Gill. She will be replaced from January by Rose Kinsbury who … Continued

Control of Dogs

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 Councillors Tony Dodd, Sara Fearns and Viv O’Dunne braved the freezing cold this morning to meet in the Plume of Feathers’ car park to remind dog walkers of the importance of clearing away dog mess from the tow path and … Continued

Post Office

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I have received a letter from the Post Office stating that there is a proposal to move the Village Post Office from Longton Road  to Leese’s of Barlaston. If the move goes ahead, subject to consultation, the Post Office will … Continued