040619 Planning Committee

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1. Apologies 2. Declarations of Interest 3. Written Applications for Dispensation under the Localism Act 2011 4. To approve Planning Committee minutes of 28 May 2019 meeting To consider Planning Application received up to and including 4 June 2019 including … Continued

080119 Barlaston Parish Council Minutes

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Present: Cllr G Jones (Chairman) Cllr P Fisher Cllr I Moran Cllr S Tudor Cllr C Hurst Cllr D Norman Cllr V O’Dunne  In attendance: Mrs K St Leger (Clerk)  7:15 – 7:30       Public Open Forum Notes 8 January 2019 … Continued

280519 Planning Committee

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Apologies Declarations of Interest Written Applications for Dispensations under the Localism Act 2011 To approve Planning Committee minutes of 14 May 2019 meeting To approve the following Planning Applications19/30435 at Parkfield Cottage 23 Tittensor Road Barlaston – creation of a … Continued

300519 Annual Parish Meeting

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Under Schedule 12 of Part III of the Local Government Act 1972 the Parish Council Chairman or Vice-Chairman shall preside. Apologies Financial Report 2018/2019 Chairman’s ReportCurrent initiatives Future initiatives Key Issues Neighbourhood Plan a working document. Open Forum Date of … Continued