140519 Planning Commitee

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Apologies Declarations of Interest Written Applications for Dispensation under the Localism Act 2011 To approve Planning Committee minutes of 2 April 2019 meeting To consider Planning Application(s) received up to and including 14 May 2019 Date of next meeting 4 … Continued

Barlaston Neighbourhood Plan Referendum Success

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Following the referendum which took place on 2 May 2019, Barlaston Residents have voted to adopt the Neighbourhood Plan which will now be consulted upon in future planning applications. https://www.staffordbc.gov.uk/barlaston-neighbourhood-plan-referendum?fbclid=IwAR3UkEG5jfKxTE6HneF9y85HS6yWfvlNxaCxxTinnm2_mh9dqh1Q_d2DcRY  

Speedwatch update

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The Barlaston Speed Watch Team has remained active throughout 2018 and, after a short break over Christmas/New Year, they are now back out roadside again. The good news is that the “stats” show that they are making a real difference. … Continued

It’s 30 for a reason!

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The local Speedwatch Group of 10 volunteers has been maintaining two roadside sessions per week during the summer. The latest Stats to 18th September show 572 vehicles reported (at 35mph+) since the Group started in early May – an average of … Continued

30 for a reason August update

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Our willing team of a dozen volunteers have now been active around Barlaston for 3 months. Hopefully, you’ve noticed them and appreciate the difference they are trying to make via their support. It’s been great for the volunteers to have … Continued