We Will Remember Them
I am sure that all who attended the Civic Service at the Parish Church on 3rd August were moved. The service was a fitting tribute to those men of Barlaston who lost their lives in the First World War and … Continued
I am sure that all who attended the Civic Service at the Parish Church on 3rd August were moved. The service was a fitting tribute to those men of Barlaston who lost their lives in the First World War and … Continued
The Orchard Place noticeboard was demolished following an altercation with a vehicle yesterday afternoon. It may be possible to salvage some bits to make into a temporary noticeboard while we wait for a replacement which likely to take in excess … Continued
As can be seen from the War Memorial on the Village Green the First World War had a major impact on the Village. The fifth battallion of the North Staffordshire Regiment was formed in early August 1914 and many local … Continued
There were three incidents in Barlaston between 6th and 8th March. The Scout and Guide Hut in Station Road was broken in to sometime between Thursday 6th and Sunday 9th March. There was a burglary of a caravan in a … Continued
The Clerk has this morning contacted the City Council and halted works on the trees at the Estoril Wedgwood College site. These trees have a preservation order on them and we will do our upmost to keep them standing.