Orchard Place
It has been brought to my attention that a lady was attacked on the green near the bus stop close to Orchard Place by a dog, which was off the lead, at around mid day on Sunday 14th Oct. She was … Continued
It has been brought to my attention that a lady was attacked on the green near the bus stop close to Orchard Place by a dog, which was off the lead, at around mid day on Sunday 14th Oct. She was … Continued
It came as a great shock to the village yesterday lunch time as people learned that Stephen Holding of Longton Road had been one of the passengers who died in the plane crash in Nepal. Stephen was a member of the … Continued
I received the following email from the WWRD site director this morning:- I wanted to inform you of some works that are planned within the Wedgwood Estate by Western Power who own the electricity grid in the area. … Continued
The Village Hall is ready to receive entries for the Show from 8.30am on Saturday. The weather forecast remains good. Because of this a decision has been made to move more stalls outside onto the car park including the St John’s … Continued