Barlaston Parish Council – 1 February 2022 meeting change of venue notification
The PC meeting has been relocated to the Ruth Dickson Room, Barlaston Village Hall, Longton Road, Barlaston ST12 9AA for the 1st February meeting only. Timings as follows: 7:00 – 7:45 pm – Village Hall Sole Trustee Meeting 7:45 – … Continued
Meeting cancellation notice
The Paris Council meeting of the 6th December has been cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances.
Garden Bonfires
Consider Your Neighbours Do you enjoy your garden? Please don’t stop your neighbours enjoying theirs by lighting a bonfire carelessly. Remember that bonfire smoke can be very irritating and even harmful, particularly to people with chest of heart problems. Garden … Continued
Annual Audit of Accounts
Local authorities spend public money. The money comes from national and local taxes as well as charges to service users. Local authorities must tell local residents and taxpayers how their money is spent. They do this by publishing yearly accounts … Continued