‘Pop up Restaurant

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Once again, last Friday night (22nd June), the Village Hall was turned into a restaurant. The Hall was full with each table taken. The main course consisted of a choice of meat pies and the connoisseurs present declared that they were of … Continued

Wedgwood Estate

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I am advised that commencing 25th June, Wedgwood will be taking action to repair and  resurface certain areas of the main and access roads on their estate for a period of approximately two weeks. Whilst no roads will be actually … Continued

Fun Day

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What a difference a day makes. The Jubilee Fun Day on the cricket field was a great success and part of the reason for that was the sunny weather that brought people out. All the stall holders that I spoke … Continued

Joint Service

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There was a  tremendous community feeling at the Joint Service in the Parish Church this morning. The Church was full with young and old. The hymns were sung with great gusto and the National Anthem at the conclusion was delivered with … Continued

The Barlaston ‘Choir’

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This afternoon the Barlaston ‘Choir’ visited Heyfields, Riverside, Orsett House and Meadow Court and entertained the residents with a wide range of popular and familiar songs. Each song on the programme was sung with great enthusiasm with much flagwaving. The choir was ccompanied by … Continued