Village Show

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The secretary of the Barlaston Show Committe, Steve Parry Thomas,  tells me that work is in hand for the 2012 event. It will be held on Saturday 8th September. There will be more focus on country crafts than in other … Continued

Golden Jubilee Award

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The closing date for nominations for villagers to be considered for the Golden Jubilee Award is 28th February. If you have someone in mind who has given meritorious service to the Village over a period of time, then please email … Continued

Developments at Strongford

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At the February Parish Council meeting two senior management representatives of Severn Trent Water gave a presentation outlining their proposals for a major development at their effluent processing plant at Strongford. A European Community Directive requires from 2014 that phosphorous is … Continued

Village Hall Event

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This is an advanced notice for an event planned for the Villge Hall. Bernard Wrigley, a well known ‘northern ‘ entertainer, has been booked for a show on Saturday March 10th. The programme will start at 7.30pm and tickets cost … Continued