
Cllr P Fisher (Chairman), Cllr C Hurst, Cllr J Mirceta, Cllr E Philpott

Also In attendance:

Parish Clerk: Ms Vivien O’Dunne

7:15 – 7:30       Public Open Forum No members of the public were present.

    1. Apologies – apologies were received from Cllrs Oakden, Dando, Hemming, Jones and Tudor, it was resolved to accept these. Cllr Bentley failed to attend the meeting and no apologies were received.
    2. Removal of a Cllr following Section 85 of the Local Government Act 1972 – It was noted that Cllr Bentley has failed to meet the requirements of being a Cllr under Section 85 of the LGA 1972 following his absence from meetings since September 2023, it was therefore determined that he be removed from his position. The Clerk to inform the monitoring officer.
    3. Declarations of Interest – There were no declarations of interest.
    4. Written applications for dispensations under the Localism Act 2011 – There were no written applications for dispensation.
    5. This was a non-item being a bullet point added erroneously.
    6. Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting 13 February 2024 – It was resolved to accept the minutes of the meeting and these were duly signed by the Chairman as an accurate record.
    7. Matters arising from the meeting of 13 February 2024 and not otherwise on the agenda – It was noted a decision was required for the removal of the fallen tree at the MUGA. The fee for tidying the site, but not including disposal, was £160. It was resolved to accept this quotation and for the works to be undertaken.
    8. Updates covered in the Clerk’s Report – see Appendix A
    9. Parish Council’s Strategy update – A meeting with Cllr Fisher and Cllr Hemming is to be scheduled. No reports have been received.
    • Environmental / Community – Cllr Hurst / Cllr Mirceta: it was noted that Cllr Mirceta had reported an overflowing dog waste bin and it had been emptied the next day.
    • Children & Families – Cllr Dando / Cllr Tudor
    • Aesthetics – Cllr Hemming / Cllr Borasinski
    • Sympathetic Development – Cllr Fisher / Cllr Philpott
    1. To note financial matters:

            (a) Bank reconciliation reports – these were approved.

            (b) Schedule of payments report February 2024 – these were approved.

(c) Earmarked funds for 2024/25 – It was resolved to increase the EMR for the Village Hall Works to reflect the lack of expenditure in this financial year.

     Earmarked reserves as follows:

Village Hall Works @ £43,273

Election @ £7,000

Meadow Road (Play Park) @ £50,000

Village Hall Contingency @ £10,000

General Reserve @ £30,000           

Expenditure – Standard GROSS VAT NET Payment
V O’Dunne – Expenses – Mileage / Stationary February 2024 3.75 0 3.75 BACS
Buxus Green –    202402 February Grass Cutting 1,050.00 0 1050.00 BACS
Toplis Assoc Inv 1,297 202.54 33.76 168.78 BACS
AEDdonate Inv 4153 1,230.00 205.00 1,025.00 BACS
Wedgwood Cricket Club Grant 500.00 0.00 500.00 BACS
BT – Inv– Broadband Inv M053 &T 37.74 6.29 31.46 DD
Tesco Mobile – 134200301553 14.00 0.00 14.00 DD
Pozitive Energy Gas inv 26181820245055409 553.78 92.30 461.48 DD
Pozitive Energy Electricity Inv 26181620245064082 154.37 7.35 147.02 DD
Income – Standard GROSS VAT NET Payment
Staffordshire County Council – Credit Barlaston Allotments (£300) to be offset against next Allotment Invoice        
    1. Village Hall Porch tender works – A meeting is to be scheduled with David Byatt to finalise the tender, following which the Parish Council will obtain 3 quotations following Financial Regulations.
    2. Planning application validation guidance letter issued to Stafford Borough Council – A freedom of information letter has been issued to the CEO of Stafford Borough, the Head of Planning was issued a copy.
    3. Wildflowers areas for 2024/25 – Given the costs it was resolved to mow over the wildflower area on Meaford Road.
    4. Parish Council’s Risk Register – Cllrs reviewed and ratified the Parish Council Risk Register and accepted the minor amendments made. Clerk to publish the register on the website.
    5. CCTV camera update on the Downs Car Park – The camera was found to be faulty and has been replaced by WCCTV.
    6. Procurement of replacement speed watch batteries – Meaford Road – The cost of replacement batteries is £159.92 plus VAT. It was resolved to replace the batteries.
    7. Planning Enforcement issue regarding the canopy at the Plume of Feathers – It was noted the canopy has been removed.
    8. Risk Assessment updates and actions:
      • Biennial tree survey recommended works / costings – It was noted to undertake works following the latest survey are as follows:
        • Quote 1 – To fell to ground level T29 – G4/T1 / G4/T2 / G4/T3 / G4/T4 / G5 remove major dead wood / T10 30% reduction on failed limb to reduce weight @ £960.  It was noted not all these trees were the responsibility of the Parish Council, Clerk to liaise with N&J to determine which trees were the Parish Council’s.
        • Quote 2 – T9 – remove major dead book and failed limbs / T12 – prune back branches to give sufficient clearance from streetlight / T20 – remove ivy and basal epicormic growth @ £720.

It was resolved that Cllrs Fisher and Hurst are to meet with N & J Tree Services to identify and mark up the trees the Parish Council are responsible for in order that works can commence. Cllrs Fisher and Hurst will renegotiate the cost of the works to exclude trees outside the Paris Council’s jurisdiction.

    • Asbestos removal at the Village Hall – this will be resolved when works are allocated.
    • Raw sewage on the Village Green – this has been resolved. It was resolved to remove this item from the agenda.
    • De-fib replacement batteries – This item has been resolved. It was resolved to remove this item from the agenda.
    1. Weekly play reports / recommendations from appointed Cllrs – It was resolved that Cllr Mirceta will undertake the weekly inspection of the MUGA instead of Cllr Fisher. The Clerk will issue Cllr Mirceta with the blank sheets to complete and return.
    2. Correspondence from residents: no notable correspondence received.
    3. Grant applications – no grant applications were received.
    4. Planning decisions – no planning applications were received.
    5. Items for inclusion in next agenda:

A request from Barlaston Cricket Club to rename the ground The Peter Taylor Memorial Ground

Mud on the pavement between Lakewood Drive and the bridge at Wedgwood Pools.

    1. Date of next meeting(s) – 9 April 2024

 Appendix A

Clerk’s Report

 92        Highway updates

Cllr Parry has agreed to a meeting, however a date is to be set.

161      Wedgwood Memorial College – No further update has been received to date.

195      Land at Meadow Road lease – It is anticipated the lease document will be with the Parish Council March / April time.

214      Cricket Club Lease – A meeting was held with the Cricket Club to determine the next phase of the lease.  It was noted Myatt’s has raised a number of issues with the proposed methodology, including terms which are no longer valid.  The Cricket Club have therefore agreed for Myatt’s to produce a lease. The Clerk noted that the Parish Council had already incurred costs with Wooliscroft’s and no further monies will be available.  There is a figure set aside in the budget for the fireworks event, which they could use to offset these costs.

It was also noted that only a number of designated Cllrs were due to sign the lease, but as the Council is an elected body, all Clls will need to sign the lease as trustees. This may cause some inconvenience as Cllrs will need to produce their documents at the Solicitors when the time comes.

135      Drainage issues on the green (below the war memorial) – A date is still awaited to undertake the works.

221      Neighbourhood Plan review – A letter has been issued to the Borough Council under a Freedom of Information request.

 A draft design plan has been received and is currently being reviewed.

 7         Banking Arrangements – We are now in receipt of the information from Cllr Fisher to complete the bank mandate.

21        Crossing Patrol Officer – The County Council have forwarded a new advertisement.

164      Footpath No. 3 – There has been no movement on this item.

125      Applying the Highways Act 1980 Legislation – The Clerk has emailed Cllr Ian Parry to clarify the position of overhanging trees / shrubs as this comes under their jurisdiction, the ‘report it’ site on the County Council website instructs residents to contact the Parish Council to address.  The Parish Councils have not approved this methodology and it needs to be addressed.

    • Noticeboard at the Downs Car Park in conjunction with the Upper House – The Clerk has requested an update from the Upper House.

164      Wire fence / posts at the Upper House – No update has been received.

226      Maintenance of Speed gates Meaford Road – We are awaiting a date for the completion of works, delays have occurred due to inclement weather.

228      Drainage issues on the Village Green (below the War Memorial) – Update required. Delays have occurred due to inclement weather.

229      Footpath clearance works adjacent to Plume of Feathers – The Lengthsman has been tasked with clearing the Ivy.  A call has been logged with Highways to cut back the laurel, call reference 4375221 refers.

233      Issuing of a thank you letter to Mr Terry Smith. This has been completed.

234      Issuing of a thank you letter to the Village Stores. This has been completed.