Speed Watch update – November 2019

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Our Speed Watch Team of Volunteers have continued their sterling efforts throughout 2019. Weather-permitting, they generally operate two sessions per week at a variety of sites throughout Barlaston village. The fact that, on average, they monitor around 300 vehicles per hour – and sometimes as many as 4-500!! – shows just how busy our roads are.

Their Statistics show that less than 5% have been recorded at 35mph or more (in 30mph zone) with 24% of those “offenders” recorded at 40mph or more. Whilst still too high, both those percentages are a marked improvement on last year – with the safety/speed awareness message, thankfully, getting through via the efforts of the Team. 90% of those recorded are “first-timers” – another endorsement of the fact that the issue of a Warning Letter from the Police does generally make a difference.

Whilst the permanent Yellow signs were erected around the village earlier this year, unfortunately the installation of the envisaged Radar Speed Sign has been delayed for longer than envisaged. However, the good news is that the three permanent poles should finally be installed this month. This will mean that the new Sign can be brought into use and rotated around the three locations agreed with Staffs County Council.

As well as displaying the speed of approaching vehicles, this will enable the collation of vehicle volume and speed data 24/7 – for monitoring purposes only but will help reinforce the education/awareness message as well as help the Team target the most challenging areas.

Finally, whilst the existing Team work really hard and do a great job, it would be even better if we could recruit more volunteers by way of support.

If anyone is interested will they please contact the Team Organiser: David Norman on Tel: 07399 514688 or via email: d.norman121@btinternet.com